Jan 30, 2019 7:30 AM
Pastor Tony Hammon
Work of IACCS in Yganda, Africa

Tony grew up in the Florida Keys. Served both public and private education and numerous boards. Has been the CEO of Island Community Church and Island Christian School since 1974, commonly referred to as the "Community's Pastor."

He reintroduced Marine Biology back into the public schooll system as a 23-year-old teacher at Coral Shores. At 26, he was the founder of Island Christian School, then serving as Principal from 1974-1989. 

Since 2011 one of my most rewarding accomplishments has been serving as President of the International Association of Christian Colleges and Schools.  This position has allowed me the opportunity to construct a model for School Associations to be formed in foreign countries.  The most successful has been in the nation of Uganda.  There I have united to form the Union of Christian Colleges and Schools, with nearly 200 schools and orphanages with 65,000 students enrolled.  Along with this task I was instrumental in assisting in the creation of a training for center for teachers and nurses.  As an added benefit the teams that I have taken we have purchased 30 milk cows to supply milk for orphan babies being cared for in these facilities.  Each cow produces enough milk to feed 102 babies per day. 

While in Uganda I have been asked several times to appear on Ugandan radio reaching out to six to eight million people.

It is not uncommon for government officials and school administrators to shake my hand and say, “We thank you.  You have changed the course of the nation of Uganda.” 

I have authored three books, two of which have been published and the third is nearing completion.

I have authored Several articles which have appeared in educational journals.